Wednesday 6 November 2019

Submit a Concurrent Program/Request from PL/SQL

Oracle has provided the feasibility to submit a concurrent request from backend using "fnd_request.submit_request" API.

Before submitting the API we need to set the environment and this can be done using "fnd_global.apps_initialize"

Here is a sample code to submit a concurrent program from PL/SQL

Note:- This code is to submit a Concurrent Program, not the Request Set. To Submit the Request Set from the backend, We have a different API.

*PURPOSE: To Submit a Concurrent Request from backend    *
*AUTHOR: Ragul Halan                                     *
   l_responsibility_id     NUMBER;
   l_resp_application_id   NUMBER;
   l_security_group_id     NUMBER;
   l_user_id               NUMBER;
   l_request_id            NUMBER;
   -- Get the apps environment variables --
   SELECT user_id, responsibility_id, responsibility_application_id,
     INTO l_user_id, l_responsibility_id, l_resp_application_id,
     FROM fnd_user_resp_groups
    WHERE user_id = (SELECT user_id
                       FROM fnd_user
                      WHERE user_name = '&USER_NAME')
      AND responsibility_id =
             (SELECT responsibility_id
                FROM fnd_responsibility_vl
               WHERE responsibility_name = '&RESP_NAME');

   --To set environment context.
   apps.fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id,
   --Submitting Concurrent Request
   l_request_id :=
      fnd_request.submit_request (application      => 'XXCUST',         -- Application Short Name
                                  program          => 'XX_DEPT_DTLS',   -- Program Short Name
                                  description      => 'XX_DESCRIPTION', -- Any Meaningful Description
                                  start_time       => SYSDATE,          -- Start Time
                                  sub_request      => FALSE,            -- Subrequest Default False
                                  argument1        => 'Accounting'      -- Parameters Starting

   IF l_request_id = 0
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Concurrent request failed to submit');
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Successfully Submitted the Concurrent Request: '||l_request_id);
   END IF;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (   'Error While Submitting Concurrent Request '
                            || TO_CHAR (SQLCODE)
                            || '-'
                            || SQLERRM
For any suggestion or issues with the above code, please leave your comments. I will try to reply back as soon as possible.

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