OAF Download Blob File Table Column
OAF Download Blob Table Column
1)Cretae custom table to store blob column.
CREATE TABLE xx_file_blobs
file_id INTEGER
,Attached_file_Name VARCHAR2(50)
,Attached_file BLOB
,ContentType VARCHAR2(50)
,creation_date DATE
,created_by NUMBER
,last_update_date DATE
,last_updated_by INTEGER
,last_update_login INTEGER
) ;
2)In JDeveloper Create EO,VO and AM based on above table.
3)Create New Page . Add AM to the page.
4) Create new region inside page with region style advancedTable
5) Define View instance XxFileBlobsVO1/<YourTableVO1> on advancedTable
6) Create Column inside advTable for FileId. Add sortable header and specify Prompt File Id for it.
Add item to added Column. Update View Attribute as FileId for item.
7) Create Column inside advTable for AttachedFile. Add sortable header and specify Prompt AttachedFile for it.
Add item to added Column. Assign
Id eg. AttachedFile
Item Style messageDownload
File MIME Type Contenttype //View Attribute which is picked from table column
Data Type BLOB
View Attribute as AttachedFileName // This will be name on Hyperlink.
File View Attribute AttachedFile
Prompt File
Page xml For reference
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<page xmlns:jrad="http://xmlns.oracle.com/jrad" xmlns:oa="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oa" xmlns:ui="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" version="10.1.3_1312" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns:user="http://xmlns.oracle.com/jrad/user" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/jrad" file-version="$Header$">
<oa:pageLayout id="PageLayoutRN" windowTitle="Blob Attachment" title="Attachment Download" amDefName="xx.oracle.apps.ap.blobhandle.server.AppModule" controllerClass="xx.oracle.apps.ap.blobhandle.webui.AttachmentCO">
<oa:image id="corporateBrandingImage" source="/OA_MEDIA/FNDSSCORP.gif"/>
<oa:stackLayout id="StackRN">
<oa:advancedTable id="AdvTblRN" viewName="XxFileBlobsVO1">
<oa:column id="FileIdCol">
<oa:sortableHeader id="sortableHeader1" prompt="File Id"/>
<oa:messageStyledText id="FileId" viewAttr="FileId" prompt="File Id"/>
<oa:column id="AttachedFileNameCol">
<oa:sortableHeader id="sortableHeader2" prompt="Attached File Name"/>
<oa:messageStyledText id="AttachedFileName" viewAttr="AttachedFileName"/>
<oa:column id="AttachedFileCol">
<oa:sortableHeader id="sortableHeader3" prompt="File"/>
<oa:messageDownload id="AttachedFile" viewAttr="AttachedFileName" fileContentType="Contenttype" prompt="Attached File" dataType="BLOB" contentViewAttributeName="AttachedFile"/>
<oa:submitButton id="UploadAttachBtn" text="Upload Attachment" prompt="Upload Attachment"/>
Note :-- Upload Attachment button navigates to Upload Page. (For Inofrmation only)
For more information
Page 350 Of OA Framework Developer Guide
1)Cretae custom table to store blob column.
CREATE TABLE xx_file_blobs
file_id INTEGER
,Attached_file_Name VARCHAR2(50)
,Attached_file BLOB
,ContentType VARCHAR2(50)
,creation_date DATE
,created_by NUMBER
,last_update_date DATE
,last_updated_by INTEGER
,last_update_login INTEGER
) ;
2)In JDeveloper Create EO,VO and AM based on above table.
3)Create New Page . Add AM to the page.
4) Create new region inside page with region style advancedTable
5) Define View instance XxFileBlobsVO1/<YourTableVO1> on advancedTable
6) Create Column inside advTable for FileId. Add sortable header and specify Prompt File Id for it.
Add item to added Column. Update View Attribute as FileId for item.
7) Create Column inside advTable for AttachedFile. Add sortable header and specify Prompt AttachedFile for it.
Add item to added Column. Assign
Id eg. AttachedFile
Item Style messageDownload
File MIME Type Contenttype //View Attribute which is picked from table column
Data Type BLOB
View Attribute as AttachedFileName // This will be name on Hyperlink.
File View Attribute AttachedFile
Prompt File
Page xml For reference
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8'?>
<page xmlns:jrad="http://xmlns.oracle.com/jrad" xmlns:oa="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oa" xmlns:ui="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" version="10.1.3_1312" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns:user="http://xmlns.oracle.com/jrad/user" xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/jrad" file-version="$Header$">
<oa:pageLayout id="PageLayoutRN" windowTitle="Blob Attachment" title="Attachment Download" amDefName="xx.oracle.apps.ap.blobhandle.server.AppModule" controllerClass="xx.oracle.apps.ap.blobhandle.webui.AttachmentCO">
<oa:image id="corporateBrandingImage" source="/OA_MEDIA/FNDSSCORP.gif"/>
<oa:stackLayout id="StackRN">
<oa:advancedTable id="AdvTblRN" viewName="XxFileBlobsVO1">
<oa:column id="FileIdCol">
<oa:sortableHeader id="sortableHeader1" prompt="File Id"/>
<oa:messageStyledText id="FileId" viewAttr="FileId" prompt="File Id"/>
<oa:column id="AttachedFileNameCol">
<oa:sortableHeader id="sortableHeader2" prompt="Attached File Name"/>
<oa:messageStyledText id="AttachedFileName" viewAttr="AttachedFileName"/>
<oa:column id="AttachedFileCol">
<oa:sortableHeader id="sortableHeader3" prompt="File"/>
<oa:messageDownload id="AttachedFile" viewAttr="AttachedFileName" fileContentType="Contenttype" prompt="Attached File" dataType="BLOB" contentViewAttributeName="AttachedFile"/>
<oa:submitButton id="UploadAttachBtn" text="Upload Attachment" prompt="Upload Attachment"/>
Note :-- Upload Attachment button navigates to Upload Page. (For Inofrmation only)
For more information
Page 350 Of OA Framework Developer Guide
Declarative Implementation
Perform the following steps to implement the File Download feature declaratively in an OA Extension page.
Step 1: Create a region in your page layout region, with the
Form property set to true for the page layout.
Step 2: In the new region, create an item of item style
If you implement a messageDownload item in a table or advanced table region, the view object used to
render the table or advanced table must have a designated primary key, otherwise the messageDownload web
bean will repeatedly download content from the first row.
Step 3: In the OA Extension Property Inspector, set the following properties for the messageDownload item:
View Instance - The view object instance of the underlying data source.
View Attribute - The view attribute that maps to a column in the underlying data source.
File View Attribute - The view attribute that maps to the column that stores the file content.
File Name Override - The file name to save to when you select the File Download link and choose the
Save option in the File Download window to save the file. The default file name that appears in the File
Name field of the Save As dialog window is derived from the value returned from the view attribute
specified by the View Attribute property. The value of the File Name Override property overrides that
default file name and is especially useful if the view attribute returns instructional text, such as "Click on
this link to download the file". If the File Name Override property is not defined, then the file name to
save to is the value returned from the view attribute.
File MIME Type - The MIME type of the file. See the Runtime Control example below if you do not want
to specify a static value for this property.
Data Type - The data type of the File View Attribute. The BLOB datatype is supported for File
Prompt - The text prompt that proceeds the File Download link.