Monday 14 October 2019

Set Number Format in OAF

 //import oracle.cabo.ui.validate.Formatter; important Class for Formatting
 // Set Number fields Format
    public void setNumberFormatter(OAWebBean webBean) {

        Formatter formatter =
            new OADecimalValidater("###,###,##0.00", "###,###,##0.00");  // Formatter

        OAWebBean FarQuantity1_f = webBean.findChildRecursive("FarQuantity1");


Monday 7 October 2019

Storing Expression Value in PLSQL and Java

Every Expression return True or False.
So we can easily store their value in Boolean expression

Using this Method we can easily check conditions instead of testing these scenarios in IF-ELSE condition .

---Example of Storing Expression Value in PLSQL

---Example of Storing Expression Value in PLSQL
--By mFaisal
lExpressionValue boolean;
  --- Expression Value
  lExpressionValue:=1=2 or 2=2;
  -- Is True Then
if  lExpressionValue Then
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Expression is  True..');
    --- 2
  DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Expression is not True..');
  end if;


Example of JAVA Code

public class Server {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public static void isTrue(boolean expression) {
    if (expression) {
       System.out.println("Expression is true.");
        System.out.println("Expression is not true.");


OADBTransactionImpl in Oracle Application Framework (OAF)

OADBTransactionImpl is a class in Oracle Application Framework (OAF), which is a framework for building Oracle E-Business Suite applications...